[Non]Disclosure explores the psychological drama of being “stuck”. The inability to disclose information about who we are as individuals– something we all experience – causes an emotional state of paralysis, leaving one trapped, stumbling, and longing for a solution. In this work, intimate and mundane narratives explore the perplexing limbo of emotional entrapment.
As we age into young adulthood our decision-making becomes more complex and consequential. We are continuously self-assessing who we are as individuals and determining if and how we will disclose information about our identity to those around us. Our identity is defined by physical characteristics, gender, culture, sexuality, personality traits, and race. However, because of social norms, cultural beliefs and family values, we contemplate hiding important things about ourselves in order to fit in and be accepted. Keeping these secrets inside begins to weigh one down, causing an emotional stress that paralyzes us: we become stuck.
I create visual stories of something that is mentally understood but can never be truly seen outside of the mind. The internal struggles one faces cause a variety of emotions and complex states of mind. Below the surface, one begins to feel uneasy, stuck, trapped, confused, indecisive, afraid, alone, hesitant and much more. Facial expressions can be misleading, which is why it is imperative to obscure them in the photographs. For example, one can be in complete distress, but their facial expression may display the opposite or vice versa, creating a misperception of reality.
When we are stuck in this state of limbo for a long time, it becomes overwhelming. By exaggerating this psychological state of indecisiveness, I illuminate the internal struggles that we all experience but are too afraid to acknowledge. This body of work is inspired by my curiosity about humanity, perception, and the medium of photography. Each person is fighting a battle that we know nothing about, and because of societal pressures, family values and cultural differences, we feel that we can’t share these struggles. [Non]Disclosure is a body of photographs that will force viewers to face the unseen truths that are rarely discussed and challenge them to look at portraiture in a new way.

